
I meet people who have lost their Christian faith because they feel that their prayers were never answered… If I selfishly think about my thousands of prayers I can think that maybe 20% are answered, and sometimes miracles seem to happen. But.., now that I am old and have time to reflect back across my life I realize that perhaps all of my prayers were answered. Of course there are many of those times that I still don’t understand how for I truly can’t begin to grasp God’s omniscience. You see, God answers prayers in ways that only He knows best, and sometimes we are too close to the situation to notice this. I am so thankful now as I look back and see many of my unforeseen prayers were addressed in ways that were really most productive as I walk in my faith.. I am very content on where I am at this point in my life; and I know if my prayers were answered how I wanted them to be, I know I wouldn’t be.

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